Three Day Weekend…
Three Day Weekend…
The fiber of dreams…
And off we go and go and go. Into the car and onto the road. Where did you go Jack Kerouac? (Joe DiMaggio!). Actually I remember now, you ended up in St. Petersburg, our jumping off point for the wondrous adventure that is the road trip.
And from the back seat…
I insist upon the following.
Should I die someday… take all of the belongings I have (which is a pitiful amount of nothing, plus a wonderful music collection) and stuff me full of them. Piñata Taxidermy if you will. Then upon the twenty third night after my demise, beat me till I rupture, and gorge forth on my material possessions. The Zen cycle.
We have outlawed all forms of car bingo, and no one may cross the invisible visible boundary. Everyone can pick a song and we will all be happy. Or some of us will be happy, or none of us will be happy, but some variation on the theme is possible.
Let us count the minutes, count the hours, count the music, as we travel to the stopping point. The Atlanta that dominates the south (whatever, I made that up). I have waited for this time since the last time, and that’s no lie. I’m friends with Pat Sajack.
Three day weekend.
Claypool would say, “They don’t mean so much to those not going”.
Like weekends, to the unemployed.
Join Us; Join Us, One and All.
Read the romance, become the drama.
It is all possible. This road trip will be televised, or at least bloggerised, that’s right folks, bloggervision is in full effect. Beginning today at some point, an update will be posted up to the blog, or maybe Saturday, it depends on the availability of wireless, as we are not with wires.
Thank you for attention.
from the private archives of pidibi
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