Yep, it's St. Patty's Day here in good ol' New York. Like I said earlier, the streets here are full of drunken idiots with green hair smoking crack. Things are crazy! What exactly do I mean? Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies. Rivers and seas boiling. Forty years of darkness. Earthquakes, volcanoes... The dead rising from the grave. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together - mass hysteria. Ok, so that was from Ghostbusters. And that's not what is happenening here. My night is far from that and shall remain so. For, off to the studio I will go. But, I will celebrate with a beer later. Just me my beer and my porn. Ah, the joys of St Patric's day. Here's a symbolic toast to all of you out ther, my friends. Love you all! Cheers!!!!
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