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Sunday, December 04, 2005

Cleaning Out The Closet

I have been meaning to post a few items for several weeks, but am only now getting around to it. I'm sorry if old news bugs you. If you feel the world would have been better served if I never mentioned these things, please skip to the bottom for some actual news. Otherwise: I (and we) got a couple of mentions around the blogosphere in the last month, and I've been meaning to share the links.

Mention #1 was on Mr. David Banghart's Seminole Heights blog. For those of you not familiar with Tampa, Seminole Heights is a neighborhood just north of downtown that has seen a recent growth spurt lead by a vibrant civic and arts community. One of the few places in Tampa Bay that has unique character to call it's own, Seminole Heights is a pretty cool place. And the ho's and johns love it too! David took a recent Blotter column of mine -- chronicling a night in the life of an officer working undercover vice on a street corner in Seminole Heights -- and added what may be the mug shots of the offenders I wrote about. Check it out. Great idea, David. I loved it.

Mention #2 was on a blog called Midnight Culmination, run by the lovely Ms. Rachel. On November 11 (also known as Mr. Gravity Boy's birthday!), Rachel briefly chronicled an evening we both spent eating fish and talking with the Weekly Planet food critic Brian Ries. Rachel also added Dimensional Shift to her links section, so we should return the favor and add Midnight Culmination to our horrendous "wheel" thing on the side. I'll e-mail tech support and see if we can get this taken care of.

As for the news, folks: I got a fucking haircut! But not just any haircut. There may be something approaching style involved here. Actually, I'm pretty sure there is. Anyway, I'll have some pictures for posting as soon as I can get them from Mr. Slinky, who acted as photo-journalist during the shearing.

Is that number on the side really going to say 3 tomorrow? Yikes!