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Monday, February 27, 2006

True Evil Attained

I hate to be bringing bad news, but I just got back from an important super secret spy-ninja mission For you people at Dimensional Shift. I nearly escaped with my life, and what I found out is to terrible to keep under wraps, in a way I wish I had perished scaling that mountain or crossing the moat of lava or even been blasted apart by the lasers on the security parimiter of the hidden European villa I was sent to infiltrate. I'm sorry to say it looks as if we are all doomed, and the shocking truth is that COBRA has joined sides with the DECEPTICONS! The only way to combat it is if GIJOE joined with the JUSTICE LEAGUE and the AUTOBOTS, but that wont happen because Duke is still mad at Bumblebee for sleeping with his sister. This is truly a sad day...