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Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Day of Reckoning

As you may know, confirmation of the election results is to take place tomorrow - on January 6th. However, things might not go so smoothly, as there is expected to be an attempt to spark a debate on the matter in congress - which would keep the confirmation from going forward and possibly spark an investigation into the results, etc. If this happens, I will be very happy. Please, God!

Here is some other info on related activities:

"Rev. Jesse Jackson and others are on a historic 'March on Washington' from Baltimore to DC, and busloads of angry Ohioans are en route to DC, where David Cobb and many others will speak at 10 AM at Lafayette Park and noon at the Capitol on January 6th to demand that Congress reject Ohio's tainted Electoral College votes and allow a truly full, fair and open re-count. Meanwhile, the Cobb legal team is holding a press conference in Albuquerque today to demand a New Mexico recount."

"Please contact your Representative and Senators and ask them to reject Ohio's Electoral College votes, and conduct a full Congressional Investigation of the massive disenfranchisement of minority voters in Ohio and elsewhere. Let's flood the Senate with calls through January 6th. The Capitol Hill switchboard is 202-224-3121. Here are some talking points. Remind your elected officials that you'll be watching them on C-SPAN this Thursday to see whether they stand up for the voters or not. You can also listen online on KPFA."

I took all of the above information from: votecobb.org. And, please don't hesitate to call today. I doub't it'll do much good. But, you never know.