DEVOLUTION NOW! (or later Iguess)

My friend terrence and I used to go old record shopping together. At one place in Orlando, he found an old Devo record (which it was escapes me now), and on the inside, it still had the original DEVO newsletter. It called for all of mankind to DEVO-lve. At the time both Terrence and I were very impressionable, and we both thought devolving would be a great idea. Along with pushing the virtues of devolution, the devo newsletter also SOLD different merchandinsing (cause what is devolution if not capitalism in disguise). One of the products that you could purchase, was the full devo JUMP SUIT. What an invention. In case of devolution, put on jump suit, step back, and run for the future. Anyway, we tried to order, but the postman wouldn't deliver our letter to 1982. Damn I wanted a jumpsuit*
*Actually, they looked pretty cheap, like they were made from the dentist bib material (you know what I'm talking about),.
from the private archives of pidibi
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