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Sunday, May 01, 2005

Doesn't link our sys

If anyone is thinking about purchasing a Linksys Router kit (model WRT54G), a word of advice - don't. We had one the last 5-6 months. The first few months, I was had to leave security off because everytime I enabled it, I could not connect wirelessly from the laptop. It was very annoying because anything involving personal information, we had to use the desktop to take care of.

At one point, I think one of our neighbors or someone else listening in on the connection got access to the blog. They made a couple of weird posts (I thought I had a screenshot somewhere but can't find it). Luckily, I was online and noticed the post right after it was made and was able to delete it and change my password before they could. I don't know - maybe it was one of you guys screwing with me somehow, but I thought it was someone listening in because I was always paranoid about that.

Then we moved, and when I enabled security I was able to connect for some reason. The connection was very unstable though. It would be fine for a few minutes and then constantly disconnect.

In both cases, I had spent hours and hours on the phone and in online chats with Linksys support, but nothing ever fixed the problem. I was even put through to level 2 support (ooo!) and was told it must be my computer (of course, it must). I recently found out on several message boards that there is a problem when downloading large files. Although this was not exactly our case, since it would happen when simply surfing websites, I figure the problem must extend itself to the problems we were having.

So, last week I decided to purchase another brand (Motorola WR850G) of router and see if it helped. Well, god answered our prayers and we now have a fully functional, super-high speed, secure, wireless connection (are we blessed or what?!).

The sad thing in this story is that if you read many of the posts on the message boards, many say that Linksys is fully aware of these problems but has done nothing about it. Linksys is part of Cisco Systems and they both really really suck. My next battle is to get my money back from them since Circuit City won't take it back because it's been so long since I bought it.