This is the story of the...
June 1st is the start of Hurricane Season. That’s right kids, this might be the year…the big one. Who knows, you can never tell what the hell is going to happen. They are predicting a more active than usual season this year, but what does that mean when you live in Tampa and Dr. Gray guarantees no hurricanes for you? Anyway, here are a few more links for those of you living anywhere near a possible hurricane path.
This site is the best resource in my for all hurricane information.
These guys can talk some weather.
One of the things I found out when I was at that hurricane conference was that the government can give everyone the shaft. I mean, I knew this already…but apparently last year after all the hurricanes the government went in and bought all the lumber from all the home depots in florida, which pissed home depot off. I assume they were pissed because the government gets the shit at cost or near it. Anyway…a hurricane comes, these guys profit.
Everyone needs one of these.
from the private archives of pidibi
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