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Friday, June 02, 2006

Last Weekend...

LPG, Cracklin’ and Myself all spent the lovely holiday weekend up in the mountains of north Carolina. One word that comes to mind to describe the weekend is awesome. The weather was great, if a little hot. The music was good all around. Over 15 hours from P-groove, and a 4-hour solo set from Brock. I was able to enjoy all the music, although it required a little sleep deprivation, and a lot of leg pain. Anyone who knows me though, knows that once I get up, I won’t stay sleeping if I’m going to be missing something. So, when I woke up on Sunday morning at 7:03 a.m.(after only falling asleep a short time earlier) to use the Port o’ Let, and saw how awesome the world had become in those few short moments I was asleep, I decided I should wander around and take some pics rather than return to my tent.

Apparently the few hours in the tent had done something to the camera, and on the first shot, I heard something snap. Not sure what happened yet, but it’s not good, seems like my camera shutter is broken. So that’s where my pictures end. You can kind of see where the top shutter screwed up on this, the last picture.

Right after this picture, I wandered around a little, trying to fix my camera, and then at around 7:30 a.m., I heard Brock (lead singer/guitarist of pgroove) up on stage doing a solo set. This was the highlight for me. When I walked up, there were only a handful of people even awake. Maybe three of us standing in front of the stage, and Brock belting out “Easy Like Sunday Morning,” and a few songs later, “Mr. Brownstone.” Ahhh, what a wake up.

Anyways. It was a great time. My camera broke, which is sad, but send some nice positive thoughts its way (and mine) and I think we might just make it through.
