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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A snippet from the Village Voice

Gerald Collings

Reminiscent of Bacon or Soutine, this group of paintings is about as shy as a butcher's ax. Titles such as Skinned, Red Bride, Red Death, and Death Mask are of a piece with the gelatinous, abstract smears of scarlet and white on shadowy grounds. There are intimations of globs of entrails and gristle stretched over chest cavities, but skillful paint handling and passionate brush flourishes keep grotesqueness at arm's length. Collings gets credit for titling one work Clown Evolution, thereby tossing associations of bad taste, pop culture, and disgust (think of the booming market in mass-murderer John Wayne Gacy's clown paintings) into a postmodern sausage grinder. Envoy, 535 W 22nd, 212-242-7524. Through June 30.

-R.C. Baker

Here's the link to the full article:
