Kinda Like Lopez...

This is Typhanei (correct spelling) and Donnie. Donnie reminds me of Billy Bob Thorton. He was at a party Leilani and I had last weekend. I think I had met him before, but he claimed he had never met me. He did tell me that he was a bullrider when he was in high school. He also played like four other sports. He was riding in the "young bullrider association". Somehow though they accidentally let a "Full sized adult bull rider association" bull into the contest, and wouldn't you know Donnie was the one who ended up riding it. Long story short, Donnie stayed on for 8 seconds, which many of you may know is a good thing in bull riding. Long Story Longer. After the 8 seconds Donnie was thrown from the bull, the bull then danced on Donnie like he was a rag doll. This sequence of events left Donnie with 3 broken ribs and a broken arm and leg. Sad for Donnie, funny for us.
from the private archives of pidibi
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