Side of shit.
I am very disappointed with Wendy's. So much so that I choose not to link to their site. Recently, they have had an advertising blitz which is promoting the fact that you can now get a baked potato, cesar salad, chef salad, chili or fries with your value meal. This is in an effort to arrive very very late at the 'we have healthy food' advertising bazaar. Apparently though, the people at Wendy's have not been to a Wendy's over the past few years. Well, I have. And I can tell you that you have been able to get a baked potato, salad - cesar or house - your choice, chili or fries with your value meal.
These items have been on Wendy's 99 cents menu for years and were always available to switch with the fries in the value meal. Why? Well, the fries are also on the 99 cent menu and have also been for sometime. As we all know, the value meal is never rung up at the listed price, but instead in individual pieces. Thus, you could get these items back then and most likely still could substitute pretty much anything Wendy's sells for 99 cents when you are purchasing your value meal.
Dave Thomas would never had stood for this. Dave Thomas would have been more creative and thoughtful in his advertising. Instead, the people at Wendy's have an easy advertising campaign which in a way tricks it's customers into thinking they have gone to great lengths to offer them a new, better value.
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