Something for everyone
Today I bring you some interesting and odd websites. The first is ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Babes are babes. This site combines the two.

Citizens Against Ugly Street Spam is an informal group of citizens from around the country who want to improve their communities by reducing or eliminating street spam. You may consider yourself part of CAUSS if you support this goal. There is no membership and no dues to pay.
The FAQ warns you to be careful out there. It provides useful tips on how to deal with a sign spammer should you encounter one. Tips include taking pictures of the spammer or their vehicle/licence plate number and contacting Code Enforcement and reporting the incident.
For all you llama lovers out there, have I got a site for you - the llama song. Any description I could give of this site would not do it justice. Just click on Play when it appears, sit back and enjoy.
The other day, I was wondering - what if I were soluble - what would I do. How would I be able to get along in the world. Well, luckily I found this site that addresses the issue and puts my mind to rest. It really makes me appreciate the fact that I am not soluble.
I love staplers! I mean who doesn't? They are way better than paper clips. I try to bring a stapler with me no matter where I go, but sometimes it's just not possible, even as portable as you think a stapler might be. I no longer need to worry though since now, no matter where I am in the world I will always be able to access the Virtual Stapler! When I first visited this site to take care of my stapling fix, I was disappointed because I didn't think you could really go all the way with it. I'd roll over the stapler and it would go down - but not all the way. Then, I clicked on it and a whole new world was opened. You can drive that thing all the way down so it's nice and secure. It would be nice though if they gave you something to staple.

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