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Monday, August 22, 2005

Old Skool a Day late...NAME THAT GAME #38!!!

Many of you probably thought I had forgotten about Old Skool - Name that game time. Well, you were wrong if you did. I was busy yesterday - took part in a massive day-long studio tour where all 5 or 6 of us went to each others' studios and critiqued the work. Then, we got drunk. A good conclusion to the weekend.

So, here's Name That Game a day late.

There is no peace in the Magic Kingdom today. Goofy has misplaced all six silver keys that are needed to open the castle gates. Why do they need to be opened, you ask? Well, so the parade can go on as scheduled!! What will happen if you can't find them in time? Nothing - just a lot of unhappy shit-headed kids will cry their heads off. But Mickey can't have this so he asks you - the kid pictured above - to take on this quest and do Mickey proud!

The keys are scattered all around disney land - the amusement park. So, you basically have to question other kids in the park to see if they can give you info on where to find the keys, while they respond with rediculous questions that are supposed to test your loyalty to mickey, like what is Mickey's name in Africa or something. If you get the question wrong they don't help you. But, you can repeatedly approach them again and again until you get one of the randomly generated questions right. During this part of the game the view is top down - so it takes on an rpg-ish feel. But, you can enter the rides - then the game takes on a sidescrolling platformer feel(see screenshot pictured above). And some - like in the screen shot - reference old capcom games like Ghouls and Ghosts, for instance.

The game was produced by Capcom U.S.A. in 1990.
Name that Game!